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A piece of art is only as valuable as the viewer's experience.  In order to make art accessible to all, my paintings transcend race, gender, nationality and sexual orientation.  They focus on the universal struggles and desires that all humans can face.  My landscapes use symbols and figures that represent the overall feeling or experiences that particular place holds.  My figure drawings and paintings focus on documenting the needs and wants of our modern day society, whether desirable or not.




Shows and awards

2018 - "Honoring Art Teachers" - Florissant Valley Community College, St. Louis, MO


2017 - "Paying Homage To" - Soulard Art Gallery, St. Louis, MO

         *Second place award for "Drugs"


2015 - "Food, Glorious Food" - Art St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 


2013 - "Alumni Show" - Maryville University, St. Louis, MO

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